
发表论文共计44篇,其中SCI论文29篇,第一/通讯作者22篇(还处于数篇数阶段,方便自我评估,见笑😅)。相关研究成果得到了国内外同行的广泛关注,被Nature Reviews Neuroscience、Trends in Neurosciences等国际顶级杂志引用并得到并得到院士Karl Friston教授、院士Edward Bullmore教授等多位知名学者的正面评价。

Publication Years: 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2016, 2015, 2013

# co-first authors, * corresponding author

Submitted Papers

  1. Xinwei Li*, Guomei Xu, Guohong Geng, Wei Wang, Jun Hu, Zhangyong Li, Shuyu Li*, “Subtyping Autism Spectrum Disorder with a Population Graph-Based Dual Autoencoder: Revealing Two Distinct Biotypes”, Submitted.
  2. Xinwei Li*, Linjin Wang, Weijian Tao, Hongying Meng , Haiming Li, Jiangtao He, Jun Hu, Yue Zhao, Zhangyong Li, “MWFNet: A Multi-level Wavelet Fusion Network for Hippocampal Subfield Segmentation”, Submitted.
  3. Guohong Geng (硕士生), Guomei Xu, Shuyu Li, Zhichao Liu, Yanping Liu, Xuetong Wang, Xinwei Li*, “Identifying Two Biotypes of Autism Using Individual-Specific Functional Connectivity”, Submitted.
  4. Linjin Wang (硕士生), Jiangtao He, Guohong Geng, Lisha Zhong, Xinwei Li*,”A 7T MRI-Guided Learning Method for Automatic Hippocampal Subfield Segmentation on Routine 3T MRI”, Submitted.
  5. Yuheng Feng#(本科生), Jiangtao He#, Linjin Wang, Wuchen Yang , Sihan Deng, Lanlin Li, Xinwei Li*, “A multi-strategy active learning framework for Enhanced peripheral blood cell image detection”, Submitted.
  6. 吕捷 (本科生),代宇,郭晓强,谭烨,王林金,冷俙政,谢雅萱,王佑豪,李欣蔚*,”UDNet:用于MRI海马体自动分割的U形密集注意力网络”, Submitted.
  7. Xicheng Lou (博士生), Xinwei Li*, Hongying Meng, Jun Hu, Peiyang Li, Jiazhang Yang, Zhangyong Li*, “EEG-GANet: Simulating Electroencephalogram Data to Address Sample Imbalance in P300 Speller”, Submitted.
  8. Xicheng Lou (博士生), Xinwei Li, Hongying Meng, Jun Hu, Meili Xu, Yue Zhao, Jiazhang Yang, Zhangyong Li*, “EEG-DBNet: A Dual-Branch Network for Temporal-Spectral Decoding in Motor-Imagery Brain-Computer Interfaces”, Submitted.
  9. Xicheng Lou (博士生), Xinwei Li, Hongying Meng, Jun Hu, Lisha Zhong, Jiazhang Yang, Zhangyong Li*,”A Dual-Branch Spiking Neural Network for Seizure Electroencephalogram Classification”, Submitted.
  10. Jia Wu (博士生), Xiaoming Jiang, Jinzhao Lin, Xinwei Li, Hongying Meng, Zhangyong Li, “Artifact-Aware Diffusion Model for Sparse-View CT Reconstruction”, Submitted.
  11. Zheng Zhang (博士生), Zhangyong Li, Chun Sing Lai, Ruiheng Wu, Xinwei Li, Jinzhao Lin, Xinxing Ren and Huidong Qiao, “Joint Optimization of Data Urgency and Freshness in Wireless Body Area Networks for Enhanced eHealth Monitoring”, Submitted.

Published Papers


  1. Ankang Wang(硕士生), Jun Hu, Weixin Xu, Zhangyong Li, Xinwei Li*, “The Value of Ultra-High-Resolution Susceptibility-Weighted Imaging Minimum Intensity Projection in Deep Learning-Based Detection of Cerebral Microbleeds”, The 8th International Conference on Biological Information and Biomedical Engineering, 2024, Accepted.
  2. Jia Wu(博士生), Jinzhao Lin, Yu Pang, Xiaoming Jiang, Xinwei Li, Hongying Meng, Yamei Luo, Lu Yang, and Zhangyong Li*, “Cascaded Frequency-Encoded Multi-Scale Neural Fields for Sparse-View CT Reconstruction”, IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging, 2025, doi: 10.1109/TCI.2025.3536078.


  1. Guomei Xu(硕士生), Guohong Geng, Ankang Wang, Zhangyong Li, Zhichao Liu, Yanping Liu, Jun Hu, Wei Wang*, Xinwei Li*, “Three autism subtypes based on single-subject grey matter network revealed by semi-supervised machine learning”, Autism Research, 2024, 17(10): 1962-1973.
  2. 李欣蔚, 许炜鑫, 陈勇, 秦对, 张冰玉, 李章勇, 王伟*.”联合图像配准的脑卒中病灶自动分割方法研究.” 重庆邮电大学学报, 2024, 36(4): 729-737.
  3. Rutao Fan(硕士生), Jincheng Chen, Shanshan Xu, Wei Wu, Jian Yi, Nuoyu Zhang, Miaoyi Chang, Xuanxuan Dong, Xizhu Chen, Yuxin Zou, Xinwei Li*, Yi Wu*, “T-stage diagnosis of lung cancer based on deep learning in CT images”, Digital medicine, 2024;10:e00017.
  4. Haiming Li(硕士生), Linjin Wang, Jiangtao He, Xinwei Li*, “An auxiliary diagnosis method for mild cognitive impairment based on structural magnetic resonance image”, the 17th International Conference on Brain Informatics, December 13-15, 2024, Bangkok, Thailand, Accepted.
  5. Jia Wu(博士生), Xiaoming Jiang, Lisha Zhong, Wei Zheng, Xinwei Li, Jinzhao Lin*, Zhangyong Li*, ”Linear Diffusion Noise Boosted Deep Image Prior for Unsupervised Sparse-View CT Reconstruction“, Physics in Medicine and Biology, 2024, 69(16): 165029.
  6. Yanping Liu*, Yang Jiao, Qihui Fan, Xinwei Li, Zhichao Liu, Dui Qin, Jun Hu, Jianwei Shuai*, Zhangyong Li*. “Morphological entropy encodes cellular migration strategies on multiple length scales”, npj Systems Biology and Applications, 2024, 10:26.
  7. Yanping Liu, Yang Jiao, Xinwei Li, Guoqiang Li, Wei Wang, Zhichao Liu, Dui Qin, Lisha Zhong, Liyu Liu, Jianwei Shuai*, Zhangyong Li*. “An Entropy-Based Approach for Assessing the Directional Persistence of Cell Migration.” Biophysical Journal, 2024, 123(6): 730-744.
  8. Xin Liu(硕士生), Chunyang Li, Xicheng Lou, Haohuan Kong, Xinwei Li, Zhangyong Li, Zhong Lisha*. “Epileptic seizure prediction based on EEG using pseudo-threedimensional CNN”, Frontiers in Neuroinformatics, 2024, doi: 10.3389/fninf.2024.1354436.


  1. Xinwei Li, Linjin Wang, Hong Liu, Baoqiang Ma, Lei Chu, Xiaoxi Dong, Debin Zeng, Tongtong Che, Xiaoming Jiang, Wei Wang, Jun Hu, Shuyu Li*. “Syn_SegNet: A joint deep neural network for ultrahigh-field 7T MRI synthesis and hippocampal subfield segmentation in routine 3T MRI”, IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 2023, 27(10): 4866-4877.
  2. Xinwei Li, Hong Liu, Yuanyang Deng, Zhangyong Li, Yuhao Jiang, Deyu Li*, Shuyu Li*. “Aberrant intra- and inter-network functional connectivity patterns of the anterior and posterior hippocampal networks in Schizophrenia”, CNS Neuroscience & Therapeutics, 2023, 29(8): 2223-2235.
  3. Dajiang Lei, Tao Zhang, Yue Wu, Weisheng Li, Xinwei Li*. “Autism Spectrum Disorder Diagnosis based on Deep Unrolling-based Spatial Constraint Representation”, Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, 2023, 61(11), 2829-2842.
  4. Zhangyong Li# , Wang Chen#, Yong Chen, Yang Ju, Zhengjun Hou, Xinwei Li*, Yuhao Jiang*. “Bone age assessment based on deep neural networks with annotation-free cascaded critical bone region extraction”, Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence, 2023, 6: 1142895.


  1. Xinwei Li#,*, Jia Tan#, Panyu Wang, Hong Liu, Zhangyong Li, Wei Wang*. “Anatomically Constrained Squeeze-and-Excitation Graph Attention Network for Cortical Surface Parcellation.” Computers in Biology and Medicine, 2022, 140: 105113.
  2. Zhonghua Zhang, Tian Wang, Shaowei Feng, Yongxin Yang, Chunhong Lai, Xinwei Li, Lizhi Shao, Xiaoming Jiang*. “Sparse Phase Retrieval using Physics Informed Neural Network for Fourier Ptychographic Microscopy”, Optics Letters, 2022, 47(19): 4909-4912.
  3. 吴燃, 唐清垚, 姜小明, 李欣蔚, 李章勇*. “心电成分的多核尺度卷积神经网络分类算法研究.” 重庆邮电大学学报 (自然科学版), 2022, 34(2): 243- 249.


  1. Xinwei Li*, Wei Wang, Panyu Wang, Chenru Hao, Zhangyong Li*. “Atypical Sulcal Pattern in Boys with Attention‐Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder.” Human brain mapping, 2021, 42(13): 4362-4371.
  2. Xinwei Li*, Yuhao Jiang, Wei Wang, Xiaoxue Liu, Zhangyong Li*. “Brain Morphometric Abnormalities in Boys with Attention‐Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Revealed by Sulcal Pits‐Based Analyses.” CNS Neuroscience & Therapeutics, 2021, 27(3): 299-307.
  3. Chunde Yang, Panyu Wang, Jia Tan, Qingshui Liu, Xinwei Li*. “Autism Spectrum Disorder Diagnosis Using Graph Attention Network Based on Spatial-Constrained Sparse Functional Brain Networks.” Computers in Biology and Medicine, 2021, 139: 104963.
  4. Chunde Yang, Qingshui Liu, Zhongyong Li, Wei Wang, Xinwei Li*. “End-to-end bone age assessment based on Attentional Region Localization.” 2020 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Cloud Computing, Journal of Physics: Conference Series. IOP Publishing, 2021, 1771(1): 012007.
  5. 杨春德, 贾竹, 李欣蔚*. “基于U-Net++的心电信号识别分类研究”,计算机科学, 2021, 48(10): 121-126.
  6. 王伟, 胡涛, 李欣蔚*, 沈思婉, 姜小明, 刘峻源. “白细胞图像超分辨率重建研究.” 计算机科学, 2021, 48(4): 164-168.
  7. Xiaoxue Liu, Xinwei Li, Wei Zhang, Peng Ran, Bingyu Zhang, Zhangyong Li*. “Weakly supervised mitosis detection using ellipse label on attention Mask R-CNN.” The 2nd International Conference on Computing and Data Science. January 28–30, 2021, 2021, 34:1-7.


  1. Panfei Guo, Qiongling Li, Xuetong Wang, Xinwei Li, Shaoyi Wang, Yongqi Xie, Yachao Xie, Zhenrong Fu, Xiaohui Zhang, Shuyu Li*. “Structural covariance changes of anterior and posterior hippocampus during musical training in young adults”. Frontiers in Neuroanatomy, 2020, 14: 20.
  2. Chenru Hao, Xiaoya Fan, Chunnan Dong, Lihua Qiao, Xinwei Li, Xiuyuan Li, Li Cheng, Lisha Guo, Ruibin Zhao*. “A classification method for unrecognized spatial disorientation based on perceptual process.” IEEE Access, 2020, 8: 140654-140660.
  3. 鞠孟汐, 李欣蔚, 李章勇*. “基于深度主动学习的白带白细胞智能检测方法研究.” 生物医学工程学杂志, 2020, 37(3): 519-526.


  1. Qiongling Li, Xuetong Wang, Shaoyi Wang, Yongqi Xie, Xinwei Li, Yachao Xie, Shuyu Li*. “Dynamic reconfiguration of the functional brain network after musical training in young adults.” Brain Structure and Function, 2019, 224(5): 1781-1795.
  2. Zhangyong Li, Hui Liu, Mengxi Ju, Fuqu Chen, Xinwei Li. “Study on the Method of Blood Microscopic Multi-field Image Stitching.” 2019 IEEE 7th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (ICBCB). IEEE, 2019: 134-139.


  1. Xinwei Li, Qiongling Li, Xuetong Wang, Deyu Li*, Shuyu Li*. “Differential Age-Related Changes in Structural Covariance Networks of Human Anterior and Posterior Hippocampus.” Frontiers in physiology, 2018, 9: 518.
  2. Qiongling Li, Xuetong Wang, Shaoyi Wang, Yongqi Xie, Xinwei Li, Yachao Xie, Shuyu Li. “Musical training induces functional and structural auditory‐motor network plasticity in young adults.” Human brain mapping, 2018, 39(5): 2098-2110.
  3. Xuetong Wang, Yang Yu, Weina Zhao, Qiongling Li, Xinwei Li, Shuyu Li, Changhao Yin, Ying Han. “Altered whole-brain structural covariance of the hippocampal subfields in subcortical vascular mild cognitive impairment and amnestic mild cognitive impairment patients.” Frontiers in Neurology, 2018, 9: 342.
  4. Kaixin Yu, Xuetong Wang, Qiongling Li, Xiaohui Zhang, Xinwei Li, Shuyu Li. “Individual morphological brain network construction based on multivariate euclidean distances between brain regions.” Frontiers in human neuroscience, 2018, 12: 204.
  5. Zhangyong Li, Chao Ge, Siwan Shen, Xinwei Li. “Cow individual identification based on convolutional neural network.” Proceedings of the 2018 International Conference on Algorithms, Computing and Artificial Intelligence. 2018: 1-5.
  6. 郭攀飞, 李欣蔚, 李淑宇. “精神分裂症海马前后亚区结构改变的磁共振成像研究.” 磁共振成像, 2018 (6): 433-438.
  7. 牛敏, 李淑宇, 李琼玲, 李欣蔚, 王雪彤. “基于 Python 语言的海马结构分析软件的设计及验证.” 生物医学工程研究, 2018, 37(4): 436-439.


  1. Xinwei Li, Deyu Li, Qiongling Li, Yuxia Li, Kuncheng Li, Shuyu Li*, Ying Han*. “Hippocampal Subfield Volumetry in Patients with Subcortical Vascular Mild Cognitive Impairment.” Scientific reports, 2016, 6: 20873.
  2. Qiongling Li, Xinwei Li, Xuetong Wang, Yuxia Li, Kuncheng Li, Yang Yu, Changhao Yin, Shuyu Li, and Ying Han. “Topological properties of large-scale cortical networks based on multiple morphological features in amnestic mild cognitive impairment.” Neural Plasticity, 2016.
  3. Shuyu Li, Yongqi Xie, Han Li, Xinwei Li, Zhixin Zhang, Qiuling Zhao, Sheng Xie, Gaolang Gong. “Morphological changes of amygdala in turner syndrome patients.” CNS Neuroscience & Therapeutics, 2016, 22(3): 194-199.


  1. Xinwei Li, Qiongling Li, Shuyu Li*, Deyu Li*, and Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. “Local Manifold Learning for Multiatlas Segmentation: Application to Hippocampal Segmentation in Healthy Population and Alzheimer’s Disease.” CNS Neuroscience & Therapeutics, 2015, 21(10): 826-836.
  2. Xinwei Li#, Qingjiu Cao#, Fang Pu, Deyu Li, Yubo Fan, Li An, Peng Wang, Zhaomin Wu, Li Sun, Shuyu Li*, Yufeng Wang*. “Abnormalities of Structural Covariance Networks in Drug-Naïve Boys with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.” Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging, 2015, 231(3): 273-278.
  3. Shuyu Li, Shaoyi Wang, Xinwei Li, Qiongling Li, Xiaobo Li. “Abnormal surface morphology of the central sulcus in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder.” Frontiers in neuroanatomy, 2015, 9: 114.


  1. Xinwei Li, Fang Pu, Yubo Fan, Haijun Niu, Shuyu Li*, Deyu Li*. “Age-Related Changes in Brain Structural Covariance Networks.” Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 2013, 7: 98.
  2. Xinwei Li, Gang Zhu, Tao Yang, Xuguang Xia, Kai Fan, Qi Zhang, Huiting Qiao, Shuyu Li, Deyu Li. “An approach for detecting cerebral artery stenosis based on MRA images.” World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering May 26-31, 2012, Beijing, China. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2013: 2091-2094.